Nutrien unveils 2023 Global Sustainability Report

Nutrien has published its Global Sustainability Report for the year ending 2023. The document details the company’s achievements and ongoing sustainability efforts, and sets out its role in addressing global demand for food, fuel, and fiber through responsible business practices.
Nutrien’s vice president of sustainability and stakeholder relations, Tim Faveri, observed that “In 2023, we continued to build strategic partnerships to help amplify our impact while refining our sustainability strategy to align with core business objectives that support both the environment and our people, customers, supply chain partners, communities and shareholders.”
Among the accomplishments outlined in the report is Nutrien’s extensive work in documenting sustainable practices over approximately two million acres across diverse geographies, including North America, South America, and Australia.
Nutrien noted, moreover, that it successfully completed its GHG Phase I abatement program. The initiative involved numerous projects aimed at reducing N2O emissions, implementing energy and emission efficiency upgrades, and expanding CO2 sequestration capabilities. Notably, this included the integration of a second ammonia plant at the Redwater site with the Alberta Carbon Trunk Line, enhancing the company’s capacity to permanently sequester CO2.
Nutrien also made progress in developing and validating greenhouse gas (GHG) outcomes for grain crops in Canada, complemented by verified GHG offsets and insets in the United States based on grower data. These efforts represent a forward-thinking approach to accurately measuring and reducing the carbon footprint of agricultural practices.
In a collaborative effort to address emissions in the agri-food sector, Nutrien co-launched the Canadian Alliance for Net Zero Agrifood (CANZA) with other leading Canadian business figures. CANZA aims to foster collaboration and innovation to significantly reduce emissions within the agricultural value chain, demonstrating Nutrien’s commitment to industry-wide sustainability initiatives.
A notable financial commitment was made towards supporting local Indigenous communities, with $325mn of spending in the Potash operating segment directed towards these groups. This translated into over $300mn in contract opportunities, underscoring Nutrien’s dedication to making a positive economic impact on Indigenous communities and Peoples.

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