Satyukt uses space agency data to support Indian farming

Agriculture and technology. Agritech. Environment. Communication network.

India’s Satyukt is making strides in utilizing open-source satellite data to support small-scale farmers and enhance yields. The Bengaluru-based ag-tech firm combines the power of drone and Internet-of-Things (IoT) technologies with data from space agencies like NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to bring precision agriculture to those who hitherto have not been able to afford it.

The fusion of advanced analytics and machine learning with satellite data enables Satyukt to process and deliver crucial agricultural information directly to farmers’ smartphones. This initiative aims to tackle three primary challenges faced by the farming community: optimal fertilizer application, pest and disease management, and efficient water resource management.

Sat Kumar Tomar, the founder and CEO of Satyukt, brings his expertise in Hydrology and Water Resources Science from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, to the forefront of this mission. Tomar, with his agricultural family background, is keenly aware of the difficulties faced by farmers and is dedicated to providing solutions that are both accessible and affordable.

For a subscription fee of Rs 100 per acre per month, Satyukt offers a mobile app through which farmers or their service partners can outline their land to receive tailored advice. The application relies on satellite data across 11 different bands, encompassing visible spectra and beyond, to derive insights on soil quality and moisture levels. By correlating this data with collected soil samples from various regions, Satyukt’s machine-learning algorithms generate highly accurate soil quality profiles and irrigation recommendations.

Tomar claims that the precision of their fertilizer recommendations exceeds 95%, a testament to the potential of merging traditional agricultural knowledge with modern technology. With over 55,000 registered users, the actual reach of Satyukt’s services is likely double, considering multiple farmers may access data through a single account. The company adopts a “B2B2C” model, leveraging a network of 300 channel partners to disseminate its insights, thereby making significant inroads into the agricultural sector and empowering farmers with the information needed to maximize their yields sustainably.

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