Pivot Bio’s sustainability program cuts 315,000 metric tons of carbon emissions


Sustainable agriculture technologies company Pivot Bio has announced a substantial achievement through its N-OVATOR program, which has successfully avoided over 315,000 metric tons (MT) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions since its inception in 2022. This milestone is equivalent to the annual residential energy use of Berkeley, California, where Pivot Bio is based—a city with a population exceeding 115,000.

The program, which was recognized with the Environment + Energy Leader 2024 Top Project Award, encourages growers to adopt better nitrogen management practices. Approximately 20% of Pivot Bio’s clientele participated in the 2023 N-OVATOR program, collectively replacing over 16,500 tons of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer on more than 800,000 acres with the company’s microbial product, PROVEN® 40.

The replacement of synthetic nitrogen with microbial alternatives led to a reduction of 237,000 MT of CO2e from manufacturing and nitrous oxide volatilization, saved over 91 million gallons of water, and prevented around 14,000 tons of nitrates from contaminating water sources. Chris Abbott, CEO of Pivot Bio, emphasized the tangible benefits: “The impact our customers are making is not theoretical—it is real, quantifiable impact. Our growers are positively impacting agriculture and the environment on-farm and beyond while improving the consistent performance of their crops and driving financial results.”

The N-OVATOR program is distinctive as the first insetting program focused on nitrous oxide emissions, linking growers with companies aiming to reduce their Scope 3 emissions and fund sustainable practices in agriculture. To date, the program has distributed over $6 million to growers in collaboration with various stakeholders in the agricultural supply chain, including major consumer packaged goods companies and grain buyers.

In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the program’s success in transforming nitrogen management on a significant scale was further acknowledged by its inclusion in Fast Company’s list of the World’s 50 Most Innovative Companies.

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