International Fertilizer Society is looking for the next boss

The International Fertilizer Society (IFS) is currently on the lookout for a dynamic individual to fill the role of Society Secretary, following the impending retirement of the current holder. This part-time position is ideal for those with a background in managing self-contained organizations or departments, offering a significant degree of autonomy and the challenge of steering the Society through a period of critical industry changes.

Established in 1947, the IFS serves as a pivotal platform for sharing and discussing technical knowledge on all facets of crop nutrition and fertilizer production, including soil management, recycling, and the use of organic materials. This role is crucial in facilitating information flow across the industry, thereby enhancing the sustainability of the farming and food production supply chain in terms of both food security and minimizing environmental impact.

The Society is governed by a Council of volunteers from its membership, with the day-to-day operations managed by the Secretary. Further details about the Society and its activities can be found on its website.

Interested candidates should submit a CV and covering letter to the Secretary at by the closing date of 31 May 2024.

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