Three Rivers Wastewater gets $48 million financing for plant upgrades

Sewage treatment plant from above. Grey water recycling. Waste management theme. Ecology and environment in European Union.

Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Authority has obtained $48 million in bonds to fund significant improvements to its plant. The authority secured the funding in late April and began construction planning this week, according to Executive Director Duane Leaf.

“It feels great,” Leaf said. “It makes it a headache to operate a plant that’s under construction but it’ll be well worth it in the end.”

Three Rivers processes septic waste for the majority of Cowlitz County and also handles waste from other cities lacking similar facilities. The authority collaborates with Longview, Kelso, Cowlitz County, and Beacon Hill through its board of directors.

This project marks the first time Three Rivers has independently secured bonds for a major project, following Cowlitz County’s previous backing in 2008. The initial phase involves replacing one of the plant’s clarifiers this year and the second in 2025, ensuring continuous capacity during construction.

In parallel, a new solid waste digester system will be installed over the next two years. This digester will convert waste into a biosolid intended for sale as fertilizer to offset project costs. The entire construction process is slated for completion by spring 2026.

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