Algeria purchases fertilizer from Russian Irkutsk region

A reverse business mission involving Algerian business circles has successfully concluded in the Irkutsk Region of Russia. During the negotiations, Algerian partners showed keen interest in over ten companies from various sectors, including the agro-industrial complex, food and chemical industries, prosthetics, packaging, and fertilizer production. The talks resulted in the signing of three export contracts for the supply of fertilizer from the Angara region to Algeria.

The event was organized by the Government of the Irkutsk Region and the “My Business” Center as part of the national project “Small and Medium Entrepreneurship,” initiated by the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin.

The Algerian delegation included representatives from four companies in the food industry, printing and packaging, the agro-industrial sector, medical equipment manufacturers, metallurgy, and others. From the Irkutsk Region, 30 representatives of small and medium-sized businesses participated.

This meeting marks the fourth business mission of the “My Business” Center in 2024, following earlier meetings with business circles from the Republic of Belarus and Mongolia. As part of the upcoming partner forum scheduled for May 27-29, a series of reverse business missions are planned, involving participants from Mongolia, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan. The “My Business” Center intends to conduct over 30 events in 2024 to foster foreign economic relations.

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