US EPA approves FMC’s herbicide for use in cotton farming

Cotton Field

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted approval for a label expansion of FMC Corporation’s Anthem Flex herbicide, now including its use for herbicide impregnation in cotton. This approval, announced on May 22, 2024, provides cotton growers with a new and effective tool for managing a range of challenging grasses and broadleaf weeds, such as Palmer amaranth, prickly sida (teaweed), barnyardgrass, goosegrass, panicum, and various foxtail species.

Anthem Flex is designed to offer long residual control and flexible application methods. By allowing the herbicide to be impregnated on fertilizer for both aerial and ground application, cotton growers can more precisely target weeds throughout the preemergence period while maintaining superior residual control.

Eric Castner, regional technical service manager for FMC, highlighted the benefits of the herbicide, noting, “The long residual of Anthem Flex is crucial in overlapping residual herbicide programs, helping manage difficult weeds for season-long control. This gives cotton growers more options and flexibility to develop a weed management plan that delivers successful results throughout the season.”

The herbicide combines two active ingredients, carfentrazone-ethyl and pyroxasulfone, providing a novel solution for cotton growers in their fight against weeds. This combination is vital in addressing the evolving challenge of weed resistance.

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