TogliattiAzot continues construction of a new urea unit

The construction of a third urea production unit with a capacity of 2.2 thousand per day at the TogliattiAzot plant (Samara Region) is in full swing.

159 contractor workers and 16 pieces of heavy equipment are currently operating at the site of the third urea unit. The layout of the land plot has been completed, a column grid of future buildings has been created, a trench and a foundation pit for the new facility have been dug.

The existing concrete and metal structures are being dismantled and underground utilities are being rebuilt to make room for new construction.

In the eastern part of the site, a pile foundation for an electrical substation is being laid. In the western part, a foundation for a future granulation tower is about to be laid; a site for storing pipes and building materials is already prepared.

A concrete mixing unit has started operating at the technology site, its capacity will help supply concrete for all construction works at the third urea unit.

The development of the design documentation and the update of the project documentation as well as the supply of construction equipment are all in their final stage. In the near future, the project will undergo the second state expert appraisal.

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