A large greenhouse complex launched in Komi

Sosnogorsky greenhouse complex in the Komi Republic has been officially opened. The nursery has been operating in test mode since the end of March this year. The main products are tomatoes and cucumbers. This year it is planned to get 3.5 thousand tons of vegetables. Sosnogorsky will have reached design capacity production by 2021 and will annually produce 10 thousand tons of greenhouse vegetables.

“Today we are witnessing the creation of a unique agricultural complex, which can justifiably be called an agricultural park. The most modern technologies, scientific and practical developments are concentrated here, which proves that it is possible to grow unique, high-quality products in the Far North, under conditions of well-coordinated work and partnerships,” commented Sergey Gaplikov, the Head of the Republic of Komi.

The Sosnogorsky greenhouse complex occupy the area of 12.6 hectares.

3.6 billion rubles (about $55 million) have been invested in its construction.

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