Belaruskali-Migao getting ready for the start

The Belaruskali-Migao plant (a joint project of Belaruskali and the Chinese company Migao) is preparing to launch the first production line. It will involve about 120 workers and specialists.

As confirmed by the Director of Belaruskali-Migao Konstantin Potryvaev, having passed the preliminary training, the personnel are taking exams before the upcoming launch.

Belaruskali-Migao now has continuous power supply for commissioning activities, the boiler room steam pipe has successfully passed testing, the compressed air station has also been tested, and works on service water supply system are being completed. Test runs for elevators, scraper and conveyor belts have been carried out, hydraulic testing of containers for ammonium nitrate solution storage and dissolution has been conducted, and the filling machine has been set up.

The first production line at Belaruskali-Migao is expected to provide for manufacturing of 80 thousand tons of potassium nitrate and 62 thousand tons of granular nitrogen-potassium fertilizers per year.

It is worth noting that the opening of the Belaruskali-Migao plant had been initially planned for July this year.

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