Hydrometallurgical Plant will double its monopotassium phosphate production

Hydrometallurgical Plant located in the city of Lermontov, Stavropol region, has completed the modernization of the production of phosphorus-potassium water-soluble fertilizer and feed additive – monopotassium phosphate what allowed to double its production capacity to 1.5 thousand tons per month.

The project was implemented in response to the growing demand for monopotassium phosphate from foreign consumers, which significantly exceeded the current capacity of the enterprise. These works were the part of a modernization program for the production complex of the Hydrometallurgical Plant.

“As a result of the project, the Hydrometallurgical Plant will strengthen its market position and will be able to satisfy customer requests, increase the stability of loading of the entire production as a whole. The project is one of the most important tools for stabilizing the financial situation of the enterprise”, said project manager for the financial rehabilitation of the Hydrometallurgical Plant Andrei Korobov commenting on the developments.

During the working visit, the modernized production site of the monopotassium phosphate was examined by the Governor of the Stavropol region Vladimir Vladimirov. He also visited the production sites of monoammonium phosphate, diammonium phosphate, sulfoammophos, extraction site of phosphoric acid, and observed the packaging of finished products.

“A year later, the company is gaining momentum, doubled its capacity, mastered the production of new products, the team gained confidence in the future — these changes can be evaluated very positively. I’m sure that this progressive development will certainly continue”, noted Vladimir Vladimirov during his visit.

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