British scientists want to help Mexico

Mexican beaches, so popular among tourists from all over the world, can be cleared of rotting Sargassum seaweed with the use of the “hydrothermal liquefaction” technology developed by scientists at University of Exeter (United Kingdom).

In recent years, the seaweed blooms have greatly increased due to the entry of mineral fertilizers into the Atlantic Ocean. The waves throw them on the beaches of Mexico, where they decay in the sun releasing a pungent smell.

“Last year, millions of tonnes of Sargassum hit the Mexican Caribbean coastline, damaging and degrading coral reefs and marine ecosystems, and decimating the local tourist industry,” said Professor Mike Allen, who is leading the fertilizer project.

The professor believes that “hydrothermal liquefaction” will turn the seaweed into biofuels and organic fertilizers.

Source: EurekAlert

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