Laconik wants to challenge application of agrochemicals

An Australian start-up Laconik intends to change the current approach to calculating fertilizer application rates, based on taking multiple samples.

“We want to move away from predicting responsiveness by taking a single soil test from a single site location and and extrapolating that result across an entire paddock to recommend fertilizer rates,” said Dr Darren Hughes, Laconik co-founder and managing director.

Laconik uses machine learning in combination with the data provided by farms to give them recommendations for fertilizing the soil.

“Machine learning combined with farm data, such as yield and rotation history, allows us to make the most profitable management recommendation of where and how much fertilizer should be added to the crop to maximise profitable yield potential,” said Darren Hughes.

Laconik has already attracted $ 1.2 million in funding for its project from Wavemaker Partners, Grain Innovate Corporation and Artesian Sprout X.

Source: New Queensland Register

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