Russian farmers have increased their purchases of mineral fertilizers

Between January 1 and October 28, 2019, Russian agricultural producers purchased almost 3.248 million tons of mineral fertilizers (in terms of 100% of nutrients), which is 395.1 thousand tons more than in the same period last year, as reported by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. The accumulated resources of mineral fertilizers (taking into account the remains of 2018) amount to 3.440 million tons (an increase of 356.2 thousand tons).

The average price of the most commonly used forms of mineral fertilizers, including value added tax, packaging, transportation and distribution costs, decreased compared to September 28, 2019 and amounted to: for ammonium nitrate – 15,553 rubles ($243) per 1 ton (-1.3%), for urea – 21,607 rubles ($338) per ton (- 0.2%), for azofoska – 22,631 rubles ($354) per ton (-1.0%), and for ammophos – 30,230 rubles ($473) per ton (-1.8%).

The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia has not informed on any problems associated with the purchase and supply or unreasonable increase in the prices of mineral fertilizers.

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