Russian farmers have increased their purchases of mineral fertilizers by 15%

Between January 1 and December 9, 2019, Russian agricultural producers bought 3.4 million tons of mineral fertilizers (on primary nutrient basis), which is 15% more than in the same period in 2018 (2.9 million tons), the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has reported.

The accumulated mineral fertilizer resources (counting in carry-over residues) amount to 3.5 million tons, which is 0.3 million tons more than last year.

As of December 9, the average price of the most commonly used forms of mineral fertilizers (including value added tax, packaging, transportation and distribution costs) slightly decreased compared to the level on November 9 of this year: for NPK – by 1.9%, ammophos (MAP) – by 1% , potassium chloride – by 0.9%, ammonium nitrate – by 0.6%, and for urea – by 0.6%.

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