Kalium Lakes may make extra money on magnesium

The Australian company Kalium Lakes has signed a term sheet with EcoMag providing for the joint preparation of a feasibility study to evaluate the commercial extraction of magnesium from residual brines from evaporation ponds, which will be operated during the potassium sulfate production at the Beyondie project. Magnesium reserves in brines of the Beyondie project are estimated at 8.52 million tons.

During the course of the Beyondie project, it is planned to organize the evaporation and processing of brines with the production of 150 thousand tons of potassium sulfate per year supply Australian farmers and export needs. Its estimated reserve is 2.66 million tons at 14.2 kilogram per cubic metre of brine.

The construction of industrial facilities will take about 15 months, therefore, the Beyondie project aims to obtain the first batch of produce in late 2020 – early 2021.

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