OCP Group hangs on its ambitious plans

The Moroccan phosphate producer, OCP Group, intends to launch a $ 1.3 billion chemical plant in Nigeria in 2023. The new facility will produce 750 thousand tons of ammonia and 1 million tons of mineral fertilizers per year. The factory will ship ammonia to Morocco, and in return the OCP Group will supply phosphoric acid needed to make phosphate fertilizers.

The construction of the new enterprise is part of the OCP Group program to increase capital investment in the production of mineral fertilizers in Africa. It will be built in southeastern Nigeria, where natural gas suppliers have already been identified, said Managing Director of OCP Nigeria (part of the OCP Group) Mohammed Hettiti.

According to him, OCP Group wants to bring the supply of mineral fertilizers to the domestic market of Nigeria from 1 to 3 million tons over the next five years.

The OCP Group also has plans to set up other factories in Ethiopia and Ghana.

Source: The Nation

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