OCP Group to produce ammonia in Nigeria

Moroccan OCP Group plans to launch a chemical plant in Nigeria worth $1.3 billion at the end of 2023. Its capacity will be 750 thousand tons of ammonia and 1 million tons of fertilizers per year. This project is part of the OCP Group program to expand investment in the production and supply of fertilizers in Africa.

The plant will ship ammonia to Morocco, and in return the OCP Group will supply phosphoric acid to it to produce phosphate-based fertilizers. In June 2018, the OCP Group signed an agreement with the Nigeria’s Sovereign Investment Authority to build the factory.

In addition, the OCP Group has already begun to build three mineral fertilizer mixing plants in Nigeria, which are expected to be put into operation in 2020. In general, OCP Group seeks to increase the supply of mineral fertilizers to the Nigeria market from 1 million tons to 3 million tons annually over the next five years.

Phosphorus fertilizers are one of the most important groups of agrochemicals.

Source: Reuters

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