Uralchem fosters cooperation with farmers

The Uralchem company, together with the trading partner Kuban Agrochem, held a seminar on the topic: “Horticulture in the Krasnodar Region: Ways to Increase Agricultural Productivity”. The event was attended by more than 150 agriculture sector representatives from the Krasnodar region.

The seminar marked the beginning of a new, already third, year of the distribution support program. Uralchem experts, together with colleagues dealing with crop protection products and financial industry representatives of the, described to the farmers the ways to improve agricultural productivity.

The seminar shined a spotlight on the features of the use of water-soluble NPK fertilizers with trace elements as foliar application for leading field crops. Agronomist-consultant of the Department of Agronomic Support Alexander Rozgon demonstrated the results obtained during the production tests of NPK Micro, which were carried out in 2019 in the Krasnodar region. The report aroused great interest both among agronomists already familiar with micronutrient fertilizers and those who are still thinking about the need for their application in their fields. Questions and discussions did not stop even after the event had been over.

“We actively support the initiative of our distributors to conduct seminars necessary to inform customers about new products with a demonstration of their effectiveness,” said Ksenia Khaseeva, Head of Marketing Communications at Uralchem. “We hope that more farms will switch from traditional plant nutrition schemes to the use of innovative fertilizers.”

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