Damate to make changes in Penza Region

The Damate group is completing preparations for the spring seedtime in Penza Region. During the winter months, a large amount of preparatory work was done. Specialists are planning to start sowing in late April and finish in mid-May, given the weather conditions.

The agriculturally used areas owned by the Damate group in Penza Region is 43.6 thousand ha.
Currently, mineral fertilizers have been fully purchased and received at the warehouse. Plant protection agents are also being purchased. To date, 40% of the required volume has been bought, the final delivery will take place in mid-April.

In 2020, the Damate group will introduce a number of changes to the technology of crop growing in Penza Region. To increase yield and grain quality, winter and spring wheat will be fed with mineral and liquid compound fertilizers applied in a differentiated way, taking into account the needs based on soil analysis. This will make it possible to optimally use the nutrients contained in the earth, and rationally use fertilizers.

During the spring seedtime, Damate will sow 8.4 thousand ha of sunflower, 7 thousand ha of spring wheat, 1.9 thousand ha of millet, 310 ha of peas and 40 ha of perennial grasses in the fields in Penza Region.

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