PhosAgro ships new products to Eastern Europe

PhosAgro has started shipping a liquid complex fertilizer Apaliqua NP 11:37 to farms in Bulgaria and Hungary. The first vessel with 5 thousand tons of Apaliqua NP 11:37 for farmers of Bulgaria and Hungary is already on the way.
Ammonium polyphosphate NP 11:37 is a unique liquid nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer that provides maximum phosphorus availability and absorption by plants. The fertilizer is effective for crops requiring phosphorus, and it is effective during foliar feeding of winter and spring crops. The phosphorus contained in Apaliqua NP 11:37 contributes to a significant increase in the yield, quality and grain content of the ear, faster germination of seeds, accelerates the development and maturation of crops, and increases the proportion of filled grain.
Besides, Apaliqua NP 11:37 improves the moisture status of plants, which leads to more economical water consumption. The fertilizer also has a beneficial effect on the purity of agricultural products from heavy metals, thereby increasing products’ competitiveness in local and global markets.
The USA, Great Britain, France and other countries of the European Union are successfully using Apaliqua NP 11:37 in their agricultural complexes. In Russia, the demand for liquid complex fertilizers has grown by 70% over the past three years. Moreover, after a snowless winter, which led to a moisture deficit in crucial agricultural areas, sales in the category of liquid fertilizers have doubled.
Just as in Russia, shortage of moisture in Bulgaria and Hungary became the reason to use liquid complex fertilizers. Europeans’ farmers faced the worst drought in the past three years, which limits the effect of traditional granular fertilizers. In turn, foliar feeding of crops with a liquid complex will eliminate nutrient deficiencies, maintaining productivity and product quality,” said PhosAgro Deputy CEO for Sales and Marketing, Sergey Pronin.
He added that PhosAgro has developed recommendations for farmers on the rational use of liquid complex fertilizers for winter and spring crops in drought conditions and taking into account the specifics of local soils. At the end of the year, PhosAgro together with clients will estimate the effect of fertilizer application and determine a program for expanding the use of liquid complex fertilizers in the region. According to Sergey Pronin’s forecast, in the next 2 years, PhosAgro may increase the supply of Apaliqua NP 11:37 to the countries of South-Eastern Europe to at least 20 thousand tons. Primarily by meeting the growing demand for liquid complex fertilizers among farmers of Romania and Serbia.
The representative of PhosAgro in the region is PhosAgro Balkans. In 2019, the company supplied farmers of the region with almost 430 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers and feed additives, of which about 80% fell on Hungary, Serbia and Romania. The most popular PhosAgro products among PhosAgro Balkans’ customers are complex NPK fertilizers and Ammophos NP 12:52, the share of which exceeded 50% in 2019. Besides, the demand for PhosAgro’s nitrogen fertilizers is growing rapidly. Last year, the company supplied more than 70 thousand tons of carbimide to farmers of South-Eastern Europe.

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