Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers improves warehouse logistics

Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers enterprise (part of Uralchem) has built a warehouse to store raw materials for water-soluble fertilizers manufactured under the Solar and Aqua Drop brands. The facility was erected as part of an investment project to scale up the production of fertilizer mixtures based on Solar MAP.

Highly effective fertilizers under the Solar brand are completely water-soluble complexes of nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as the main chelated trace elements, the most accessible form for plants. The Solar line produces ten brands of fertilizers ideal for foliar application. They are also used for fertigation of vegetable and fruit crops (a method of applying liquid fertilizers, simultaneously with irrigation (irrigation). The Aqua Drop brand is represented by four brands of complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (NPK).

The area of the warehouse built from light prefabricated metal structures is 1.440 thousand square meters. During its construction, special attention was paid to security. So, the floors are made of concrete and covered with dust-free impregnation. Wall and roof fencing is made of durable metal profiled sheet. There are sectional doors with an electric drive at the ends of the building for quick loading. The project also provides for the possibility of two additional openings with a dock shelter.

“With the launch of a new warehouse that can be used not only for storing raw materials, but also for finished products, we now have the opportunity to more efficiently achieve the required performance indicators for the production of water-soluble mineral fertilizers,” said Sergey Shulyatnikov head of Compound Mineral Fertilizers Department of the Ammophos shop No. 2 . “Now we can create sufficient reserves of raw materials and minimize the risks associated with the delivery time. This will allow us to stabilize the process and successfully fulfil production plans.”

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