Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers proceeds scaling

Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers (part of Uralchem) has completed the second stage of the project to expand the output of water-soluble mineral fertilizers produced under the Solar and Aqua Drop brands.

Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers launched the production of water-soluble NPK Micro fertilizers under the Solar brand in 2016. The products have a seasonal demand and are used as a foliar feed for the main crops in open ground. The Aqua Drop brand is presented in four types of NPK fertilizers. The line is produced from the company’s own raw materials and consists of brands with different content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

A new automated complex for the production of water-soluble fertilizers was commissioned in February 2020, due to which the capacity of the technological line was doubled and amounted to 18 thousand tons per year. In January 2021, the flow of chemicals used in the production was improved. The dosing error of these chemicals doesn’t currently exceed 0.5%.

“The works in the department were carried out along with the operating production. Therefore, the output of water-soluble fertilizers was suspended, while the production of monoammonium phosphate continued as normal,” said the Head of the complex mineral fertilizers department Sergey Shulyatnikov. “Together with the installation of renewed equipment, the automated complex was completely transferred to a single software. This has greatly simplified the process of managing and maintaining the production line, which has led to less idle time and increased production efficiency.”

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