Apatit launches production of granular ammonium sulfate

The Balakovo Branch of Apatit (PhosAgro Group’s Balakovo chemical cluster) is launching production of a new type of product, granular ammonium sulfate. The project is being implemented to increase the efficiency of production processes as part of the PhosAgro development strategy for the period until 2025.

To produce ammonium sulfate, two production systems No. 5 and No. 6 are being modernized at the enterprise. Previously, they were aimed at the ammophos production.

Modernization of the production system No. 5 took two months and completed in March. During that time, additional pipelines for the supply of sulfuric acid and liquid ammonia were laid, gas ducts and weight meters were installed, including those on the finished product conveyor, a new lifting-paddle nozzle was installed in the drum-granulator-dryer.

Modernization of the production system No. 6 will be completed in May, and it will include a similar set of improvements.

“The design capacity of the two systems will be 110 thousand tons of ammonium sulfate per year, and currently in Russia it is the only large-tonnage production of granular ammonium sulfate suitable for both direct application to the soil and dry fertilizer blending. Depending on the market conditions, the system operation can be switched to the production of ammophos keeping the on-line mode and maintaining increased production efficiency,” said Andrey Shibnev, General Director of Balakovo Branch of Apatit.

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