Achema to sue for gas

Lithuanian nitrogen fertilizer producer Achema and its gas trade subsidiary, Achema Gas Trade, both part of the Achema Grupe (Achema Group) intend to file a lawsuit in the Court of Justice of the European Union regarding the maintenance regime of a floating terminal that received liquefied natural gas located in the port of Klaipeda.

In their opinion, they are completely unequal for the state Lietuvos Energijos Tiekimas, which purchases liquefied natural gas from the Norwegian Equinor under a long-term contract, and for other gas suppliers.

“The problem is that Lietuvos Energijos Tiekimas gets compensation for liquefying gas evaporation and covers the difference between the purchase and sale prices for gas bought from Equinor. Therefore, other market participants, including Achema Gas Trade, lose competitiveness,” said Gintaras Balciunas, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Achema Grupe.

Source: Baltic Times

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