New yield increasing system created in Tatarstan

Specialists from the Innopolis University of Tatarstan republic have developed a system to increase the yield by predicting plant diseases and precise applying fertilizers. The system plans a strategy for crop protection and fertilizer application, depending on 15 key factors affecting yield increase and product quality.

“The rise in prices of crop protection products and fertilizers is one of the main problems of agricultural enterprises. The annual use of chemicals reduces the sensitivity of pathogens in the ground and seeds to them. Every next year, to cope with the spread of diseases and preserve the harvest, the agricultural enterprise has to purchase a larger volume of preparations. Therefore, it leads to an increase in the cost of products. The situation will not change until the farms begin to practice a complex scientific approach to the development of the protection and fertilizer application strategies,” said Tatyana Reshetnikova, the head of the Digitalization Department of Agriculture at the University.

According to her, the correct selection of fertilizers and crop protection products allows the grain cultures to increase productivity by 12-40% compared with the control version. It also allows us to increase the mass fraction of seeds protein by 30% and improve the phytosanitary soil constitution by 5%.

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