Strawberry complex to appear in Moscow region

Andrey Razin, Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow region, said that Voskresensk city (Moscow region) carries out an investment project to create a greenhouse complex for growing strawberries with a capacity of more than 420 tons per year.

“The greenhouse complex is supposed to be placed on 6 hectares. While reaching full capacity, the enterprise will produce more than 420 tons of berries per year. We schedule the plant to start operating in the first half of the next year,” said Andrey Razin.

Andrey Razin also noted that it is Yagodnaya Polyana company (BerryUnion, Crimea), which will build the complex. Moscow region has already allocated the land parcel for the construction of the greenhouse.

The Minister is confident that the cultivation of strawberries in greenhouses will solve the problem of unreasonably expensive berries. Moreover, the new complex will provide residents of the Moscow Region and Moscow with quality products regardless of the season.

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