New greenhouse complex to appear in the Moscow region

As the press-service of the Ministry of Housing Policy of the Moscow Region reports, Agrokultura Group is beginning the construction of a new greenhouse complex near the city of Kashira (Moscow region).

At present, Agrokultura Group already operate one greenhouse complex near the Kashira city. The company grows cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. New greenhouse complex will be utilized for growing strawberries, blackberries, salads and tomatoes. The total volume of investments in the project amounts to 6 billion rubles (approximately $83.7 million).

“The Ministry has permitted the creation of a new 20-hectare greenhouse complex in the city of Kashira. The construction works will be completed by the end of this year. The total area of the complexes will be 100 hectares,” said Inna Fedotova, the Minister of Housing Policy of the Moscow Region.

The creation of greenhouse complexes in the Moscow region and other regions of Russia will stimulate the demand for water-soluble fertilizers, the leading manufacturers of which are PhosAgro and Uralchem.

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