New greenhouse complex opens in Khabarovsk

A greenhouse complex for growing tomatoes and cucumbers will appear in Khabarovsk in 2021. It will annually produce 2.5 thousand tons of vegetables on the closed ground. As the head of the farm enterprise Viktor Butkov said, this is about a third of the total production of vegetables on the closed ground in the region.

“We plan to build a new greenhouse with an area of 2 hectares for growing tomatoes and cucumbers. Its capacity will be 2.5 thousand tons per year,” he said.

The farm currently grows a variety of greens, such as lettuce, dill, parsley, sorrel, onion and basil. The enterprise produces about 350 tons of such products per year. According to Viktor Butkov, about 400 million rubles (approximately $5.8 million) will be invested in the new greenhouse complex. The complex plans to be launched only in the next autumn, but the preparatory works are already in the progress.

“At the same time, we are building greenhouses in the Rakitnoye district of the Khabarovsk region,” Viktor Butkov added. He also noted that there are greenhouses with a total area of 4 hectares to appear in the region. The products grown there will be tomatoes, cucumbers and probably pepper. The total investments in the project will be 900 million rubles (approx. $13.1 million).

There are four greenhouse complexes with a total area of 7 hectares operate for growing tomatoes, cucumbers and greens in the Khabarovsk region. They annually produce 5.5 thousand tons of vegetables. The investors plan to create more greenhouses with a total area of 30 hectares.

Source: Tass

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