Consumption of agrochemicals in Russia may reach 3.8 million tons

As the press-service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia reported, in the period from January 1 to June 15 this year, agricultural companies and farmers of Russia purchased 2.5 million tons of mineral fertilizers (active ingredient). That is on 0.4 million tons more than during the same period in 2019 (2.1 million tons).

The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia predicts the total volume of purchased mineral fertilizers will be at the level of 3.8 million tons by the end of the year, which is 8.3% higher than the year before (3.5 million tons). The purchased volume will ensure the application of 52-53 kg of fertilizers (active ingredient) per hectare of the sown area on average in the country. The systematic application of fertilizers will improve the yield and significantly increase soil productivity.

The Government supports the consumption of fertilizers and stimulates agricultural producers to increase yield crop and soil productivity. Mineral fertilizer prices on the market hold stable and even showed a decrease in some areas.

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