PhosAgro and Russian Academy of Science showcased new solutions

PhosAgro and Russian Academy of Science (RAS) held a research-to-practice conference “Global food security: problems and solutions”. The purpose of the conference was to demonstrate the results of the joint work to reach the maximum yield and preserve soil fertility.

There were 13 points on an area of 44 hectares in the Moscow region, where guests could see innovative solutions and the latest technologies for growing crops and forage herbs with high protein and energy content. Within the conference framework, a discussion on global food security and the contribution of science, state, public organizations and mineral fertilizer producers in its provision was held.

PhosAgro CEO Andrey Guryev noted that, according to the UN, the world’s population would grow by more than 2 billion people by 2050. This will require an increase in annual food production from the current 8.4 billion tons to 13.5 billion tons.

“It is impossible to provide humanity with food without using effective mineral fertilizers. At the same time, there is an acute problem of soil pollution. More than half of the world’s soil resources are already degrading. It imposes special requirements on the environmental friendliness of mineral fertilizers and the sustainability of agricultural technologies,” said Andrey Guryev.

In this regard, the environmental friendliness of PhosAgro products is not the only competitive advantage of the company in export markets but also a possibility to provide the Russian population with high-quality and affordable food.

PhosAgro is actively working on fulfilling the instructions of the President of Russia to create a national “Green Standard” for agricultural products. The new legislation will make it possible to monetize and develop the domestic agro-industrial complex. The implementation of the project will not require any additional budget expenditures, and it will bring at least 40 billion rubles (approximately $537.7 million) of taxes and provide 200 thousand jobs.

Andrey Guryev also said that PhosAgro is the first Russian company in the industry that runs an online fertilizer trading platform.

“We are developing a system, which will allow the farmer to purchase all the necessary ingredients, receive financial services and directly sell their products. The new system will increase the efficiency of agricultural and livestock production in our country, make it cheaper and guarantee high-quality products,” Andrey Guryev noted.

PhosAgro works in cooperation with innovation funds, scientific and educational institutions. Today, the company’s portfolio includes 53 brands of fertilizers, 12 of which are fertilizers with microelements. The company also plans to develop 50 new products by 2025 and another 70 by 2030.

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