PhosAgro and Russian Academy of Science showed new agrotech trends

PhosAgro together with the Russian Academy of Science (RAS), the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow region and the administration of the Domodedovo region held a Field Day.

On an area of over 25 hectares, PhosAgro presented more than 50 modern agricultural technologies applied on 10 popular crops, namely winter and spring wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, perennial grasses, sunflowers, soybeans, buckwheat, and rapeseed.

“There are many famous scientists in today’s forum. Discussion at such a high expert level may provide good results, motivate our farmers to more actively introduction of modern technologies and use innovative methods of applying mineral fertilizers,” noted Roman Nekrasov, Director of the Department of Plant-Growing, Mechanization, Chemicalization and Plant Protection of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

He also stressed that there is a direct dependence between the volume of mineral fertilizers and high yield. “This year, we’ve already purchased 400 thousand tons more of mineral fertilizers than in the same period last year. In 2019 we exceeded the milestone of 3.5 million tons, while this year we are targeting the level of 4 million tons.”

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