PhosAgro will build new distribution center in the Saratov region

The Government of the Saratov region and PhosAgro-Region (part of PhosAgro) have signed a cooperation agreement aimed at improving the reliability of providing farmers with mineral fertilizers. The document was signed by Governor of the Saratov region Roman Busargin and General Director of PhosAgro-Region Andrey Vovk.

The agreement provides for the construction of a distribution center for mineral fertilizers in the region, which will ensure their accumulation, storage, and delivery. PhosAgro-Region’s investments in this project in 2022-2025 may reach 200 million rubles (almost $3 million).

“PhosAgro is a long-term reliable partner of the Saratov region. Our farmers annually achieve high yields, also thanks to the quality products of the company. The opening of the PhosAgro-Region distribution center will improve the accessibility of the region to mineral fertilizers, which will increase the efficiency of work of local farms and their profitability, as well as improve the region’s position in the agro-industrial complex of Russia. Undoubtedly, this project is significant for the region and our farmers,” Roman Busargin emphasized.

PhosAgro-Region also intends to expand the opportunities for regional farmers through new services. Last year, the company launched a service for soil analysis in the regions, and soon it will become available to agricultural producers in the Saratov region.

“With this agreement, we complete one of the stages of a large project to develop the logistics of mineral fertilizers in the region. PhosAgro is well known in the Saratov region as a reliable partner for agricultural producers, guaranteeing uninterrupted supplies of mineral fertilizers to farmers from the Balakovo branch of Apatit. After the launch of the Saratov distribution center in the middle of next year, we expect to double the range of PhosAgro brands available to farmers in the region through granular and liquid complex fertilizers produced at PhosAgro enterprises in the Vologda and Leningrad regions. The terms of availability of mineral fertilizers will also increase: the presence in the region of a modern and convenient logistics service will ensure the possibility of early accumulation of products in the region and its prompt delivery to agricultural land during the fieldwork. All this will increase the planning horizon for field work and more clearly control the costs of their implementation, which means it will positively affect both the harvest and the profitability of Saratov farms,” Andrey Vovk noted.

Today, PhosAgro-Region includes 11 regional companies, 22 offices, and 32 distribution centers with a total storage capacity of more than 800 thousand tons. In the Volga Federal District, the network is represented by offices in Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Penza, Saransk, and Samara, which in total serve more than 1.5 thousand farms. Accumulation, storage, and shipment of mineral fertilizers to farmers of the Volga Federal District are provided by three own distribution centers.

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