The greenhouse vegetable growing may set the new records

As the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Russia Dzhambulat Khatuov reports, the production of greenhouse vegetables in Russia will reach 1.6 million tons by 2025.

The greenhouse industry has been one of the leaders in the commissioning of new high-tech enterprises in recent years. The production volumes of fresh vegetables in the off-season period have doubled. As of December 1, 1.2 million tons were grown in winter greenhouses, which is 12.1% more compared to last year (1.07 million tons).

According to the forecast of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, about 1.3 million tons of greenhouse vegetables will be produced this year, which is 13.5% more than the harvest of last year, and by 2025 this figure will reach 1.6 million tons.

The key task of the industry for the near future is to modernize outdated enterprises, increase labor productivity, reduce costs, and increase the profitability of production and farms. At the same time, the building of new capacities and multiple increases in production volumes are especially relevant in some regions with a low supply of its own vegetables, primarily in the regions of the Far East.

The State continues to introduce measures contributing to the development of the greenhouse vegetable growing. Increasing production volumes in the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District, the Russian Government announced its decision to reimburse part of the costs incurred for the construction and modernization of greenhouse complexes in the Far East.

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