EuroChem plans to dive into gas production

As the Minister of Industry and Natural Resources of the Astrakhan region reports, EuroChem drilled the first hole of 4.2 km deep on the right bank of the Astrakhan gas condensate field.

The Minister noted that next year EuroChem plans to drill another exploration hole to obtain more information. If the size of deposits corresponds with a forecast of geologists, then a new production will appear in the Astrakhan region. EuroChem plans to build here a large industrial complex for the extraction and processing of natural gas.

The Astrakhan gas condensate field was discovered in 1976 and brought into development ten years later, while the Bashkir deposit of the right-bank part wasn’t brought into development at all. According to preliminary data, the reserves of the deposit are about 220 billion cubic meters of natural gas. However, the development of this area is associated with geological, technological, and environmental risks as hydrocarbons occur at great depth and require a complicated cleaning procedure.

In 2017, the Governor of the Astrakhan region already reported on EuroChem’s intention to create an enterprise for the extraction and processing of natural gas and sulfur.

Source: RIA Volga

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