Europe still blocks imports of ammonium nitrate from Russia

European Commission has extended the anti-dumping duty on the import of ammonium nitrate from Russia for five years. Its rate remained at the level established in 2018, which amounts to EUR 32.71 per ton. For liquid complex fertilizers produced using ammonium nitrate, antidumping duty rates range from EUR 28.78 to 31.71 per ton.

The consumption of ammonium nitrate produced in Russia is less than 1% in the European Union. Nevertheless, the European Commission believes that the abolition of the duty will lead to an increase in supplies of ammonium nitrate from Russia, as the companies will switch from the markets of other countries.

The anti-dumping duty against ammonium nitrate from Russia has been in effect for over 20 years. In 2018, its rate was reduced from EUR 47.07 to 32.71.

The main producers of ammonium nitrate in Russia are EuroChem and the Acron Group.

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