Haifa Group will increase ammonia production

Israel’s Haifa Group has held a tender for the selection of a general contractor for the design and construction of a new ammonia plant at the site of its Haifa Negev plant.

Total investments of Haifa Group in the project will exceed $200 million. The construction of the plant will take about three years and its capacity will be about 100 thousand tons of ammonia per year. Its creation is the next step in the implementation of the Haifa Group’s plan to double the capacity of Haifa Negev.

“This strategically important step will strengthen the Haifa Group’s position as a global producer of mineral fertilizers in the world’s agriculture market. The creation of the new plant is an example of the qualities that characterize Haifa Group — initiative, strength, and determination,” said Haifa Group CEO Motti Levin.

Haifa Group manufactures a wide range of agrochemicals, including potassium nitrate and NPK fertilizers.

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