Indorama modernizes Kokand Superphosphate Plant

The Singapore corporation Indorama has started the first stage of modernization of Kokand Superphosphate Plant (Uzbekistan). It’s planned to launch the production of water-soluble fertilizers and to increase the volume of superphosphate production from 100 thousand tons to 350 thousand tons per year.

Kokand Superphosphate Plant was established in 1935 to process phosphorites from the Dzheroy-Sardara deposit. Indorama acquired 95.54% of its shares in 2019. Then in 2020, to upgrade Kokand’s technological facilities, Indorama got a loan of $25 million from the International Finance Corporation and European Bank Reconstruction and Development.

At the second stage of modernization, it’s supposed to launch the production of dicalcium phosphate, potassium sulfate and sulfuric acid.

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