PhosAgro-Region expands supplies to the Kursk region

General Director of the largest Russian distribution network of mineral fertilizers PhosAgro-Region, Andrey Vovk, discussed with the Governor of the Kursk region, Roman Starovoit, issues of providing agricultural producers with mineral fertilizers for spring sowing.

“Farmers of the Kursk region are showing steady growth, including in terms of grain yield. A historic maximum in grain harvest of 6 million tons has been reached in 2020. The key to such results lies in the state support, which allows agricultural companies to attract additional funds to upgrade equipment and purchase high-quality seeds. The smart use of fertilizers also played an important role in the achieving of these results,” noted Roman Starovoit.

In 2020, PhosAgro-Region increased total supplies of all types of mineral fertilizers to farmers in over 70 regions of Russia by 12.1% to 3.54 million tons and confirmed its leader status in supplies of mineral fertilizers to agricultural enterprises of the country. For the first time, PhosAgro-Region in the Kursk region exceeded the line in the supply of mineral fertilizers of 250 thousand tons.

Its regional company PhosAgro-Kursk has already reserved about 90 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers for spring sowing for this year. The company has also prepared logistics infrastructure for a possible demand growth during the spring field works.

“Agricultural enterprises of the Kursk region are successfully growing almost all key Russian crops. That is why we consider the region as one of the most promising for the application of modern brands of PhosAgro mineral fertilizers with improved environmental characteristics, and we are ready to expand their supply to the Kursk farmers. We also plan to continue investing in the Kursk logistics assets of PhosAgro-Region and develop new service areas for Kursk consumers,” said Andrey Vovk. “Currently, we have fully prepared and equipped a new third logistics complex in the Kursk region, which will provide direct interaction with farmers in the south-west of the region. This year we plan to invest 55 million rubles (approximately $724.1 thousand) in the development of our assets in the Kursk region.”

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