Belarusian Potash Company continues to drop market prices

Belarusian Potash Company (BPC) has signed a contract with a consortium of Sinochem, Cnampgc and Cnooc (China), in which the price for potassium chloride was set at $247 per ton. The price is agreed upon for the current year with delivery until December 31.

“This agreement is the next step in strengthening the stability of the world potassium market and a positive signal for further price growth in other regions. The signing of a new Chinese contract, following the Indian one, creates a solid foundation for sustainable demand for potash and positively influences price dynamics,” says the press-release of Belarusian Potash Company.

Previously the company signed a similar contract with Indian Potash, which was criticized by Nuntrien, Canpotex, Uralkali and K+S Group.

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