PhosAgro plans to double its sales to Africa

Over the next five years, PhosAgro plans to double the supply of mineral fertilizers to Africa, said the company’s CEO Andrey Guryev during his speech at the international conference Russia — Africa: Building the Future Together.

“35% of total supplies from Russia accounts for PhosAgro,” Andrey Guryev reported. “Today, we sell our products to 21 countries on the African continent and actively expand the geography of exports. Since 2016, our company has almost doubled the supply of eco-efficient fertilizers, which are free from hazardous to the health of human and soil concentrations of cadmium and other toxic components. Last year, the volume supply to Africa was increased from 300 thousand tons to 570 thousand tons. In the next five years, we expect to double them. Africa is one of the priorities for PhosAgro’s international development.”

In 2019, PhosAgro opened its first sales office in Cape Town (South Africa), in 2020 — warehouses in Cape Town and Durban for small-scale wholesale trade.

“Our activity in Africa is not limited to the supply of fertilizers — we also protect local soil resources,” Andrey Guryev added.

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