Mezheninovskaya Poultry Farm begins the production of organic fertilizers

Mezheninovskaya Poultry Farm (part of the Siberian Premier agricultural holding) has launched equipment for processing chicken dung into organic fertilizers for growing grain and oilseeds.

It usually takes several months to obtain high-quality compost, while due to the introduction of modern biotechnology, the same result is achieved in an average of 21 days.

“Implementing this project, we are also solving social issues to reduce the level of unpleasant smell in the sanitary protection zone of the poultry farm. It still can be felt on the site but within a radius of 300 meters not anymore,” said Vladimir Ermolenko, Deputy General Director of the enterprise for animal husbandry and crop production.

Integrated technology will allow Mezheninovskaya Poultry Farm to process 50-60 thousand tons of dung per year.

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