Lithuanian BKT hopes for stability in cooperation with Belaruskali

The Lithuanian company Biriu kroviniu terminalas (BKT), transshipping potassium fertilizers from Belarus in the port of Klaipėda, works with Belaruskali on the basis of long-term contracts and therefore considers it premature to claim the diversification of cargo traffic, said BKT shareholder Igor Udovitsky.

“BKT doesn’t disclose the term of the contracts but all contracts are long-term and will stay valid for a long time, not one year,” Igor Udovitsky noted.

Igor Udovitsky also recalled that no sanctions are applied to the transit of mineral fertilizers, so BKT hopes to retain the bulk of its cargo volumes. Currently, no decrease in shipments has been observed.

According to his statement, the BKT terminal is ready to transship 15-16 million tons of potassium fertilizers per year, the cargo traffic in such volumes is expected no earlier than 2024-2025.

On June 24, the Council of the European Union adopted a decision to impose sectoral sanctions against Belarus. They affect the trade of potassium fertilizers other than potassium chloride.

Source: Interfax

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