Wheat harvest in Russia may fall short of expectations

As follows from the predictions of SovEcon center, this year, the wheat harvest in Russia may amount to 76.2 million tons, which is 0.2 million tons less than previously expected. The forecasted harvest was revised due to the low yield of spring wheat in the Volga and Center regions, which was the result of hot and dry July weather.

According to the experts, “the only unknown variable at present is the yield in Siberia and the Ural, where harvesting of spring wheat has not yet begun.” They expect the yield to be slightly higher than the average for Siberia and significantly lower than the average for the drought-stricken Ural.

The regions of Western Siberia show average or slightly worse than average results but the Eastern regions, just like a year ago, are much better than the average indicators. Heavy rains in recent weeks have significantly improved conditions for growing crops in Siberia.

Source: Finmarket

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