European Commission was urged to restore order

Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) appealed to the European Commission to immediately take the situation on the fertilizer market under control to avoid a supply crisis next year.

According to the statement of the management of IFA, the European mineral fertilizer market is currently dysfunctional since “chemical companies control production and farmers are facing skyrocketing costs of fertilizers.”

Antidumping duties, previously introduced by the European Commission on some types of mineral fertilizers, eliminated competition, and farmers appeared in the situation of the overpriced market. From August 2020 to July 2021, fertilizers rose in price by 11%, and, most likely, their cost will increase by the end of the year due to the rise in natural gas prices.

“Given the current natural gas prices and their negative impact on fertilizer prices, antidumping duties in the European Union are completely unacceptable,” said Tim Cullinan, President of Irish Farmers’ Association.

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