Minbos Resources will produce fertilizers in Angola

Australian company Minbos Resources and Angola Sociedade Agroquímica Industrial intend to jointly build a plant for mixing mineral fertilizers for their subsequent supply to farmers of the Malanje province (the area of arable land exceeds 6 million hectares there). The government of Angola has already allocated a plot of 20 hectares for future enterprise.

The memorandum signed between Minbos Resources and Sociedade Agroquímica Industrial provides for the construction of a plant with a capacity of 250 thousand tons of compound fertilizers per year and a laboratory for soil analysis and the formation of a national database on its composition and properties. The parties also want to develop local lime deposits.

Minbos Resources should prepare a feasibility study for the construction of an enterprise. The company will own 60% of its authorized capital and the remaining 40% will be held by Sociedade Agroquímica Industrial. Minbos Resources experts report that investments in the creation of the plant will not exceed a million dollars over the next year.

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