FES-Agro intends to recover debts from the Arkhangelsky farmer’s cooperative

The Commercial Court of the Stavropol region is considering the claim of FES-Agro against farmer cooperative Arkhangelsky.

According to the case files, FES-Agro intends to recover from Arkhangelsky the debt under the sale and purchase agreement dated August 12, 2020, in the amount of 416.8 thousand rubles (approximately $5.6 thousand) and the interest for the use of a commercial loan of 137 thousand rubles (about $1.8 thousand), as well as a penalty fee of 143.77 thousand rubles (almost $2 thousand). The date of the hearing has not yet been set.

This is not the only lawsuit of FES-Agro against Arkhangelsky. In another claim, the company wants to recover a debt of 948 thousand rubles (approximately $12.7 thousand) under the supply agreement dated February 7, 2020, the interest of 294.259 thousand rubles (about $4 thousand), and a penalty fee of 333.696 thousand rubles (about $4.5 thousand).

FES-Agro is engaged in the sale of plant protection products and micronutrient fertilizers. The Arkhangelsky farmer cooperative cultivates grain crops.

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