Uralchem and Digital Agro on the path to digitalize Russian agriculture

Uralchem ​​and Digital Agro took part in the conference “Digital Industry of Manufacturing in Russia-2022” (CIPR-2022). CIPR-2022 is one of the largest platforms in Russia for a dialogue and cooperation between the state and business on the digitalization of industry and the implementation of the national project Digital Economy.

The exhibition stand of Uralchem and Digital Agro presented the comapnies’ developments in the field of data-driven agricultural production management and achievements in the production of mineral fertilizers. It should be noted that Uralchem ​​has been recognized by the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia as one of the leaders in the digital transformation of the country’s agricultural industry. An important task during the digitalization is the creation of the data processing and transmission standards for the entire market, which requires a joint work of industry companies.

Traditionally, within the framework of the conference, the corporate accelerator “Element of Growth” was carried out to select relevant technological solutions offered by Russian startups. Representatives of Uralchem ​​and Digital Agro Konstantin Ivanov, Denis Skripka, Maxim Golikov acted as experts of the pitch sessions.

During the event, representatives of Uralchem ​​and Digital Agro held negotiations with the heads of the Ministry of Digital Development and the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia on cooperation in the implementation of digital transformation tasks in the industry.

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