Performance Nutrition launches new biofertilizer for US market

Performance Nutrition has launched the new NutriWise brand that includes a granular fertilizer and water-soluble powder (WSP) that will replace the old NutriSmart product line. The new products are available now for growers in agricultural, turf and ornamental markets.

NutriWise will be manufactured in the United States from locally produced components. “This allows us to provide our customers with a practical alternative for agricultural and turf applications,” said Wendy Kemmerer, Vice President of Performance Nutrition. “We felt that the time was right for us to offer a U.S.-made biofertilizer.”

The new core product features an analysis of 5-3-0 with 3% humic acids, 1.5% Fe and 0.5% Zn. It also contains three species of Bacillus, Trichoderma plus the Saccharomyces that was the core component of the NutriSmart line. “Adding additional microbial horsepower to NutriWise makes perfect sense as more customers are looking to improve their soils instead of just providing the same old NPK,” said Kemmerer.

Benefits of the new NutriWise Granular and WSP formulations include the improved nutrient use efficiency and soil fertility combined with reduced leaching of chemical fertilizers, improved soil environment for beneficial microbes, and consistent, uniform, slow release of nitrogen that eliminates growth surges.

The biggest difference for customers will be assured U.S. sourcing and availability plus a better biofertilizer approach. “With raw materials and fertilizer prices at an all-time high, now is the perfect time to move to alternative biofertilizers,” said Kemmerer. “They are more economically viable and environmentally sustainable and provide equal or better performance.”

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