Nutrition Technologies Introduces Vitalis, A Liquid Bio-Fertilizer Engineered from Insect Frass

Nutrition Technologies, a biotech company specializing in sustainable animal feed ingredients and bio-fertilizers, has unveiled Vitalis, a liquid bio-fertilizer formulated from Black Soldier Fly (BSF) frass. The patent-pending product integrates fermented BSF frass, added chitin, and a microbial inoculant in a bid to offer an eco-friendly alternative to conventional soil treatments and plant protection methods.

Founded in 2015, Nutrition Technologies is a Singapore-based biotech company that also operates a two-hectare production facility in southern Malaysia. The company has built a reputation as the world’s largest tropical producer of insect-based products, aided by a team of over 20 scientists and a dedicated microbiology laboratory.

Product Composition

Derived from the nutrient-rich castings of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL), Vitalis incorporates a bacterial strain, Bacillus halotolerans, isolated from BSF larvae. This bacterial component has demonstrated efficacy in inhibiting plant pathogens and boosting plant drought tolerance. The combination of these elements aims to fortify plant’s natural defenses against pathogenic microbes, thereby fostering healthier foliage and root zones.

Efficacy in Disease Prevention

According to trials, Vitalis has shown promise in inhibiting the growth of pathogenic fungi like Fusarium and Ganoderma. The product’s bacterial component is proven to inhibit plant pathogens by up to 96%. This positions Vitalis as an option for growers grappling with increasingly resistant strains of fungal pathogens, a pressing issue often inadequately addressed by conventional fungicides and soil treatments.

Method of Application

Vitalis can be used either as a foliar spray or a root drench. It can also be combined with Diptia, another bioactive fertilizer produced by Nutrition Technologies, for an integrated plant nutrient and protection regimen.

Environmental and Economic Impact

Nutrition Technologies utilizes a low-energy production model, relying on the natural climate in Malaysia to grow Black Soldier Fly larvae. This approach allows the company to maintain a low cost of production without compromising on product quality, making it a competitive player in the global market for insect-derived agricultural products.

The Larger Context

The release of Vitalis comes amid growing concerns about the sustainability of conventional agricultural practices. The global insect protein market, which stood at $343 million in 2021, is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.49% to reach $1.3 billion by 2027.

Nick Piggott, Co-CEO of Nutrition Technologies, highlighted that Vitalis addresses some of the most economically damaging plant pathogens, notably Ganoderma in oil palms and Fusarium oxysporum in bananas. Given the potential of these diseases to disrupt global food supply chains, the introduction of Vitalis marks a significant step in the company’s mission to secure future food supplies.

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